Thursday, October 05, 2006

I Guess I Remember How To Do This...

So I guess it's been a month since I've posted. Where did it go?
It goes something like this...working...sick...working...sick...
mini vacation...quit my job.

I got the same cold/flu crap everyone else has and then it settled in my lungs, so I got an upper respiratory infection. I'm on my second round of antibiotics and still not feeling all that hot. My mini vacation was a trip to Grand Lake, Colorado with Nick, Ali & Charlie. It was SO much can see the pictures of Nick and I making out at FlipFlops if you so desire. It is a little later in the season than we are used to but a 'Shasta McNasty*' tastes the same no matter what time of year. I quit my job because I have a new one...starts October 16th...more about it later.

*Shasta McNasty = 180 energy drink with a shot of orange vodka dropped into it

It's a funny story, but I think I'll explain it in another post.