Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Go Rockies!!

Nick and I went to the baseball game on Sunday! Aren't we cute! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It Was Bound To Happen

Nick and I went to Old Navy today to take advantage of the 2 for $5 flip flop sale. (Not that I need any more, but that's not the point) Nick found a pair of shorts that he wanted to try on and took them back to the dressing room. He came out to show me how they looked and as Nick and I had a conversation about how cool the shorts were, the middle aged gentleman that was working in the dressing room looked at me and said
"I'll trade you...I can't get my son out of anything but Abercrombie!"
Nick looks like my son???...WTF? I know I'm 7 years older, but damn.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Everyone Is So Sweet

So as I said, Nick baked my birthday cake. His mom (Diana) and her boyfriend (Dave) hosted a bbq for me. My friends and mom came, and I got some really nice stuff. Everyone is so sweet. My mom got me the star pendant that has been on my 'things i want' list forever. I love it.
It's very....Me.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

My Boyfriend Rocks...If I May Say So Myself

Just thought I would gush a little about my super sweet boyfriend. He baked my birthday cake. That is correct...baked my birthday cake. Chocolate with chocolate frosting. Yum!