Thursday, July 20, 2006

Yea! Construction Workers

The hospital I work at has been remodeling for...Oh, I don't know fucking forever...Or about a year and a half now. They finally finished the new ICU and have been making a big to-do about its opening. (just like they did with the ER, though the TV's in the private rooms are nice. Yeah yeah I know all about it, I'm clumsy) So today was the big launch and before they start moving patients into the new space they wanted to show it off with an 'open house.' When I say open house I mean tours, food and refreshments. So they make an announcement overhead and the mad dash begins. A couple of people in my department finally made it up there a little after noon. (I of course don't get to go because I'm working alone and can't possible leave my area longer than 2 minutes to pee) Here's the funny part...No food. The people catering the event have begun to tell everyone that the reason there isn't any food left is because they got a huge rush of construction workers and THEY ate all the food. Well, duh, they built the damn place. Wouldn't you plan for that? They are all still here working on other projects. So needless to say everyone in the hospital is pissed they didn't get any free food. I'm with the construction workers, I would have run my overworked/underpaid ass up there and ate all the free food too.

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