Thursday, March 23, 2006

HNT #6 **Updated**

I know this week is a bit of a let down considering the picture last week, but this is the last HNT for a while.
I present my right, huh? Yes my finger is crooked and it always will be. I had surgery on it 3 years ago after I jammed it into a metal divider (at work) and severed the tendon on the top of my finger. The surgery sucked and so does the scar.
The scab on the top of my hand is because I stabbed myself with my own finger nail yesterday.
Nice huh?

**So I just looked at this picture...I mean really looked at it. And my hand looks webbed. I swear the skin between my thumb and hand doesn't really look like that. Ugh!


WoodChuck said...

Ouch! But nice hand.

Jimmy said...

WOW! Be nice to that right hand. :o) I broke my pinky finger finger on my right hand and it's a lil' crooked too. I won't get into the story but it sucked. Sorry for the belated HNT but Happy HNT!!! Hope to see you back soon! :o)