Tuesday, March 28, 2006

It's a Struggle....But Worth It

So there are a few of you who don't know that I have been working on my family tree for about 6 years. Off and on for 6 years, not like daily for 6 years. But damn the internet it makes things so much easier. When I first started I had to go to the National Archives to search roll after roll of microfiche and it took hours and hours to find one census record. Now you pay a little fee for online access and they pretty much do the whole search for you. Yeah! Technology. I have also found distant cousins who are researching as well so we get to share info. Anyway, its really interesting and I would recommend you do it...If it interests you and if it doesn't...Ask someone else in your family to do it.

BTW...The picture is of the Hartley's circa 1912. The man in the middle and older lady on the right are my great-great grandparents with their 8 children. (lower left in the all white dress is my great grandmother)

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