Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Damn You Otto Titzling

Dear Otto,

Screw you for inventing the bra.



Anonymous said...

uh oh- did you have some kind of bra mishap or do you just hate bras in general? :)

Jimmy said...

AMEN to that sista!!! The least he could do is make them a little easier to unlock! ;o)

Jess said...

I didn't really have a mishap...unless you call shopping for one for an hour and a half a 'mishap.' Why do they have to be so damn expensive? And would it kill 'em to make them 'similar' so it doesnt take forever to find one that fits right?

WoodChuck said...

Reason #137 why it's great being a dude.

Jess said...

Welcome back Chuck...where ya been?

Anonymous said...

Yes, what she said.

Bras do indeed suck, Jess-- I'm SO with you on this.