Friday, December 02, 2005

Me Me Me
(And We All Know... It's Always About Me)

(Taken from Ms. Meh and Boozie. Sorry guys it's been a long day.)

How old do you feel? today....45 but normally....about 25

What do you believe is the meaning of life? trust

Why is the sky blue? cause it's pretty?

What is your favorite thing to cook? lemon pepper chicken with mashed potatoes

What would your last meal be? thanksgiving, the whole thing, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie

What is the youngest age you have memories of? about 3 I think

What is your favorite thing in the world? i guess if i have to pick a 'thing' i would say my laptop

What living person would you want to meet? Dierks Bentley, he's so hot

What dead person would you want to meet? my great grandfather, edward o'neil, they say i'm like him.

Where in the world would you like to live? fiji or more realistically seattle

Who has the most influence on you? definitely my mom

What is your favorite dessert? pumpkin pie ice cream

Can you make cookies from scratch? yeah, duh, like at least once a month

Would you rather be single forever with a great family or be with your soul mate and have no family? wow, this one is hard, but i guess single with a great family since that's what i have now

What is your favorite scented candle? freesia and tiger lilly by votivo

Have you ever read the bible? nope

Who do you dislike most in the world? right now, george w bush

What is your favorite shape? depends on what it is for, but mostly square

What color do you feel represents you? red

Would you rather be honest and poor, or a liar and rich? well, lets go with what i know, honest and poor

What is your ideal ice cream creation? pumpkin pie, with pumpkin pie ice cream, graham cracker crust and whipped cream

What is your favorite thing to do? watch tv

What is your favorite junk food? fruit rollups

What is the longest you've gone without talking to anyone? hum, like 48 hours

What is your favorite board game? chutes and ladders

What is your favorite book? anna karenina by tolstoy, just kidding, I don't have one

What toy have you always wanted and never gotten? i was spoiled and got everything i wanted

What item could you not go without during the day? caffeine

Do you consider yourself smart? yeah, sure

How old were you when life was the hardest? 23

Is there anything you have to do every day? besides the essentials, post here

If you had to get back with an ex who would it be? no way, not happening

When was the last time you felt truly loved by someone? today

What character trait would you change about yourself? lack of patience

Which of your five senses would you give up? that's a hard question, but i guess smell

What do you do when the power goes out? sleep

Would you rather spend the night out or in? out

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