Wednesday, May 10, 2006


(Ok, so it just occurred to me that I wrote this post yesterday and saved it as a draft and then never posted it. Sorry ya'll)

So my mom called me at work today and we started talking about her upcoming trip to Vegas with her best friend. (bitches) Anyway, when I asked her what they were going to do this is kinda how the conversation went...

Me: "What are you planning to do?"
Mom: "There isn't a set plan, the only thing I really want to do is go to Toby Keith's Bar"
Me: "Where is it?"
Mom: "I don't remember, It's in the Vegas book at home, I can look it up"
Me: "Oh"
Mom: "Let me put it to you this way, I want to see what I want to see, eat when i'm hungry, sleep when i'm tired and....drink."
Me: "Well, you know you can carry your drink with you on the street"
Mom: "Oh, I KNOW"

That about sums it up, good point mom. Drink your little heart out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me Too! The other Vegas travelin' bitch!