Saturday, November 05, 2005

Best Saturday Morning Ever....

So Ali and I met for free breakfast at Village Inn this morning. Why free? you ask. Well, because they weren't officially open and they were training their employees. Our waiter actually asked us if we would like some pie while we were waiting for our breakfast. Who does that?

Anyway, we were driving home and Ali notices something "special" at the grocery store! We drove all the way to Ali's to get the camera so we could get drive back and get some pictures.... (you can't beat free breakfast and the wienermobile in one morning, it's just not possible)

There are a couple more pics at FFIS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They never shut up about the friggin pie at village inn. Our waitress asked rob, julio and i 4-5 times if we wanted pie and so did the person at the register. Who wants pie when they are hungover at 10:30 sunday morning.