Monday, August 22, 2005

Male Birth Control Pill

Hell Yeah!! Does anyone else think this is a kick-ass idea? Researchers at the University of Kansas Medical Center are trying to develop a contraceptive pill for men to take either weekly or monthly. Three words....Bring.... it.... on!! And how lucky are they, their options are weekly or monthly? We have to remember daily, or use the patch and then deal with it ripping our skin off every week. First Viagra and now will be able to do it longer with no consequences. Just one more reason men truly have it easier than women. I love this idea but I see a couple of potential issues: 1. Will the men actually take it? (if you're a guy I would love to know) and 2. Will the incidence of STD's increase? (Men not using condoms as much because there is no fear of pregnancy) What do you think?

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