Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What I Did On My Summer Vacation....

(It sounds like I'm in elementary school with that statement, and I may have had enough to drink last weekend that my brain has reverted back to lets say about age 7) So the answer, duh.....drink beer. We are back from Grand Lake, and it was super fun!

<---This picture was taken 20 minutes after we pulled up to the cabin, we waste no time. Luckily we rent a cabin within walking distance of town, and everyone knows drinking and walking is better than drinking and driving. (Unless you're me, and then walking is a whole different ballgame and you have to spend the fun summer vacation in a walking boot because you have a broken foot....see Jess' Crappy Day in July & Foot Update ) Anyway, the weather was beautiful, shy of one rainy night. And don't you worry there will be a full post on FlipFlops, when we have time to sort through the roughly 150 pictures and 7 videos we have.....relax, we won't make you look at all of them.

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