Thursday, October 27, 2005

Are You Clumsy?

1. Have you ever been to the emergency room? duh, I fall down ALL the time. I was just there in July.

2. Have you ever fallen on your face in the lobby of The Plaza Hotel in NYC? Oh, yeah, I so did. ( I added this one for fun, I'm sure I am the only person who has actually done this, ever!)

3. What's the worst pain you've ever had? head and abdomen pain when I had mono.

4. Have you ever broken a bone? ok, again duh. 14 to be exact.

5. If you could choose your doctor, do you prefer someone of the same or opposite sex? same, and I don't know why.

6. Would you prefer to go to the doctor or go sky diving? sky diving I think, I haven't tried it yet, but doctors suck! (and I work with them all day)

I'm only tagging one person...ha ha Duane. You're it!!

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