Saturday, October 01, 2005

Earthquakes In Colorado

Huh?...I didn't know this happened so frequently in Colorado. Last night there was a earthquake measuring 4.1, just outside of Steamboat Springs. (the big blue square on the map and don't be alarmed its 103 miles from Denver) And, last week there was one just outside of Trinidad that measured 2.6 (the small yellow square.)

Apparently there have been over 500 earthquakes / tremors since 1867, ranging from 2.5 - 5.3!
I know you're thinking, its Colorado, and there are mountains, and the fault lines shift and make mountains, and there should be earthquakes, right? I was born here, and we just don't get quakes here large enough to feel. According to the Colorado Geological survey there are 90 potentially active faults in Colorado. Small in comparison to the hundreds of faults in California, (including electing the governator, but that's another post,) but they are capable of producing earthquakes from 6.5 to 7.3 magnitude. Did you know that? I don't remember learning that in school.