Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Coming Together Nicely

Good News everyone....my Halloween costume is done. (for the most part) We converted my old bridesmaids dress to look just like Jane Jetson's dress. Doesn't it look like I was actually doing something in that picture? The truth is my mom did all the work. I can't even sew a straight line....with the sewing machine!! Seriously.
All I need to do is make the white triangle for my neck and paint my shoes purple. My tights are the perfect color and thanks to Ali for going with me to shop for them on Saturday.
And what you have all been waiting for.....
The bottom of the skirt stays out like a hoop when it's on and
I promise there will be pictures of me in it from the 29th.


janet copenhaver said...

Can't wait for pictures of it on you. Good job to your mom! Aren't mom's great? I happen to be one of a 20 year old.

Anonymous said...